General Petro Chem Safety
General Petro Chem proudly maintains an outstanding .66 EMR rating
We are totally dedicated to safeguarding the health and well being of each and every one of it’s employees, our most valuable asset. This is accomplished through a positive commitment of upper level management and supervision to the company’s safety program. Our safety program is administered by a Professional Safety Manager and staff of highly qualified safety personnel.
Program elements include:
• A pro-active approach to safety that goes above and beyond OSHA compliance
• Management, supervisory and employee’s accountability for their own safety performance
• Investigating and recording each Accident, Incident, Near-Miss and First Aid report
• Safety training for each employee
• Off-site bimonthly meetings for all Supervisors
• 10 hour supervisor training course with annual refresher through NCCER/CMEF certified Instructors
• Pre-employment, Post Accident, Random, and Just-cause drug screening
• Unscheduled field safety audits
• Site specific orientations